MN1.2 – First Degree Working tools

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson the learner will be able to:

  • Identify and explain the symbolic representation of the First Degree Working Tools.
  • Apply the three skills of time management, open mindset and life-long learning to their daily life.
  • Examine and analyse the essential soft skill of smart time management.
  • Practice the essential soft skills of critical thinking and empathy.
  • Set personal targets and refresh them when achieved.

Introduction to the Working Tools of an Entered Apprentice

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In the journey of personal and professional development, certain foundational skills must be mastered. These skills are akin to the working tools used by an entered apprentice in the time of operative guilds. This lesson will explore three key areas: time management, maintaining an open mindset, and the importance of continuous learning. By understanding and practicing these skills, individuals can prepare themselves for meaningful citizenship and successful integration into society.

The 24-Inch Gauge: Time Management.

One of the most vital skills for personal and professional growth is effective time management. The 24-inch gauge symbolizes the importance of organizing one’s day. Every person has the same 24 hours, but how this time is utilized differentiates successful individuals from others.

Key Points:
– Work/Life Balance: Allocate time for work, relaxation, rest, and personal growth.
– Helping Others: Dedicate portions of your time to assist friends, family, and co-workers.
– Quiet Time: Set aside time for contemplation, meditation, and learning.

The objective is to structure time efficiently and open the mind to new ideas. It is a reminder that being busy is not a badge of honor; quality and purpose in time management matter the most.

The Gavel: Maintaining an Open Mindset.

An open mindset is crucial for personal development and effective interaction with others. The gavel represents the need to keep vain and unbecoming thoughts at bay, fostering a positive mental attitude.

Key Points:
– Receptiveness: Be willing to understand new ideas without necessarily accepting them.
– Positive Outlook: An open mind is essential for learning and collaboration.
– Understanding Perspectives: Strive to comprehend other people’s viewpoints, as this fosters positive outcomes.

By maintaining an open mindset, individuals can remain adaptable and receptive to innovative ideas and solutions.

The Chisel: Continuous Learning.

Continuous learning is a cornerstone of personal and professional growth. The chisel represents this ongoing process of building knowledge and skills.

Key Points:
– Incremental Learning: Acquiring a little knowledge each day is more effective than attempting to learn everything at once.
– Application: Testing out and acting on new knowledge helps solidify understanding.
– Learning from Failure: Repeated failures may indicate a need to change processes, not necessarily goals.

Constant learning and application ensure individuals stay relevant and capable of contributing to a well-organized society.

Preparation for Citizenship.

The ultimate aim of mastering these tools—time management, maintaining an open mindset, and continuous learning—is to prepare individuals for responsible citizenship.

Key Points:
– 21st Century Skills: Modern equivalents of classic education might include learning to drive, using computer software, and leveraging the internet for knowledge.
– Technology: Utilize smart tools to save time and complete repetitive tasks effectively.

Setting personal learning targets, such as acquiring a new skill each year, contributes to holistic growth. This skill could range from scientific knowledge to practical hobbies like DIY or sports.

The Apprentice’s Role in the Guild.

Historically, in the operative guilds, an apprentice would learn under a master, progressing to a journeyman or craftsman, and eventually aiming to become a master himself. This structured learning path fostered skills and knowledge necessary for both personal and societal development.

Key Points:
– Mastering Skills: An apprentice would transition from learning basic skills to assuming leadership and mentorship roles.
– Community Contribution: Experienced craftsmen became valuable counsellors and leaders, contributing to a well-functioning guild.


In preparation for advanced roles, such as a craftsman or master, an apprentice must first master the key tools of time management, an open mindset, and continuous learning. This foundational knowledge equips individuals for responsible citizenship and effective participation in the modern world.



Working Tools of an Entered Apprentice
The First Degree working tools are the foundation for masonic learning and personal development
It underscores three important lessons; balanced work / life goal, an open mindset, and continuous learning

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