MN1.7.1 – The Lecture of the First Degree of Freemasonry

Learning Objectives

  • To understand the allegories and symbols of first degree of freemasonry
  • To understand the lessons taught for personal development and leadership skills

The Lecture of the First Degree of Freemasonry

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Freemasonry is both an art and a science focused on the cultivation and improvement of the human mind. Based on the principles of geometry, its teachings encompass a broader range of wisdom and principles. The lecture of the first degree in Freemasonry is divided into seven sections, each discussing various aspects of the craft, with a strong emphasis on virtue and moral duties.

Virtue and Moral Responsibility.

A core theme in Freemasonry is the importance of virtue and ethical conduct. Members are encouraged to embrace a deep sense of moral responsibility. By using allegory and symbolism, Freemasonry conveys lessons of pure morality that leave a lasting impact on its members.

The Nature and Attributes of the Deity.

The first section explores the nature, character, and perfections of the Deity. Freemasonry acknowledges the existence of a supreme being and emphasizes the importance of recognizing this divine presence. Members are reminded to revere and be grateful to the divine, viewed as our Father, Benefactor, and Moral Governor.

Duties toward the Deity.

Freemasons are guided in their conduct toward the Deity by understanding its attributes and perfections. This includes acts of worship, prayer, and obedience. The lecture stresses the importance of aligning one’s actions with the moral principles represented by the divine.

Obligations in Social Life.

Beyond duties to the Deity, Freemasonry also emphasizes fulfilling social obligations. It highlights the values of integrity, honesty, and compassion. Members are encouraged to actively participate in their communities, seek justice, and promote the common good. These responsibilities aim to create a more harmonious and just society.

Role of Symbolism and Allegory.

Symbolism and allegory are vital tools in Freemasonry. They help convey important lessons and allow members to gain deeper meanings and interpretations. The lecture assists in unravelling the mysteries and hidden truths of the craft. Diligent study of these symbols provides Freemasons with valuable insights.

Foundation for Future Study.

The lecture of the first degree lays the groundwork for continued exploration and self-improvement. By delving into the nature of the Deity, the responsibilities towards the divine, and the obligations to society, Freemasons are equipped with a moral compass to guide their actions and decisions as they progress through the degrees.

Invitation to Action.

The lecture is not just theoretical; it calls members to live according to the principles and values of Freemasonry. It challenges them to embody virtue and uphold moral duties daily. Through introspection and self-improvement, Freemasons strive to become better individuals and contribute positively to society.


The lecture of the first degree serves as a comprehensive guide to Freemasonry. By exploring the Deity’s nature, the responsibilities towards the divine, and social obligations, it provides members with a holistic understanding of their role. Through symbolism and allegory, the lecture invokes deep reflection, leading to personal growth and moral development. By embracing these teachings, Freemasons strive to become individuals of virtue, integrity, and compassion, fostering positive change in their lives and the wider community.


The Lecture of the First Degree of Freemasonry

This course provides a commentary for each section of the ceremony with a detailed explanation how the lessons can be applied to personal development and leadership skills.

There are a total of 8 lessons, which includes the first degree tracing board

Note: In App Purchase