MN2.2 – Charge after Second Degree

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the significance of transitioning to the Second Degree in Freemasonry and the responsibilities it entails.
  • Recognize the importance of personal growth and intellectual development, particularly through the study of the liberal arts and sciences.
  • Appreciate the role of respect, solemnity, and adherence to ancient customs in Masonic assemblies.
  • Apply the principles of honesty, friendship, and mercy when addressing the transgressions of fellow Brethren.
  • Acknowledge the duties of a Fellowcraft in honouring lawful signs and summonses, rewarding merit, and supporting fellow Brethren while maintaining moral and legal integrity.

Charge After Second Degree

audio link


In this lesson, we will explore the teachings and principles embedded within the Second Degree Charge of Freemasonry. This important piece of text marks the transition of a candidate into an educated and capable Fellowcraft, skilled not only in the Craft itself but also in the management and support of others.

The Charge begins by acknowledging the candidate’s prior moral behaviour and urges him to continue adhering to the core values of brotherly love, relief, and truth. It emphasizes personal growth and intellectual development, recommending the study of the liberal arts and sciences, especially geometry, which is fundamental to the Craft.

Respect for ancient customs and solemnity in Masonic assemblies is underscored, along with an obligation to uphold the laws and regulations of the Order. The Fellowcraft is encouraged to approach the transgressions of his Brethren with honesty, friendship, and mercy.

Intellectual engagement and the expression of opinions under the guidance of experienced Masters are privileges granted to the Fellowcraft. This fosters an environment of continuous learning and self-improvement.

Finally, the Charge reminds the Fellowcraft of his duties to honor signs and summonses, reward merit, and support his Brethren. This is all aimed at ensuring mutual welfare without compromising moral or legal integrity.

In summary, the Second Degree Charge lays a solid foundation for personal and intellectual growth, mutual support, and communal welfare, guiding the Fellowcraft toward becoming a Master Mason. Let us consider how these enduring principles can enhance our own lives and communities.


Charge After Second Degree

Read just this article in the series – (approx. 10 mins read, plus a video presentation 5 mins)

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