MN2.3 – The Winding Stairs

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Distinguish between mastering Masonic ritual and mastering a significant way of life within the context of Freemasonry.
  • Understand and explain the historical and educational significance of the Trivium and Quadrivium in the development of intellectual capacities.
  • Recognize the symbolic meaning of the winding staircase and its representation of continuous personal and intellectual growth.
  • Identify the five noble orders of architecture and their alignment with the development of skills using the five senses.
  • Appreciate the ongoing process of self-development and the importance of cultivating a lifelong desire for learning.

The Winding Stairs

audio link


In the journey of life, effort is the cornerstone upon which achievements are built. Today, the author would like to invite you to explore a timeless question embedded in the rich traditions of Freemasonry: What does it truly mean to become a ‘Master’? Is it about mastering rituals, or is it about mastering a significant way of life? This question intrigues and challenges the minds of many, including those responsible for selecting the Master of a Masonic Lodge.

As we delve into this topic, we will trace the philosophical and educational pathways that shape a Master’s journey. We will start from the foundational moral virtues introduced in the first degree, advancing through the intellectual growth fostered by the Trivium and Quadrivium. These classical methods of education, encompassing grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy, aim to cultivate not just professional skills, but a well-rounded intellect.

Imagine a winding staircase, each step symbolizing a phase in our personal and intellectual development, akin to the progressive complexity of the five noble orders of architecture. Each step in this metaphorical staircase requires a deeper engagement with our senses and a higher level of skill and understanding.

This lecture will challenge you to perceive learning as an ever-evolving staircase where each step brings you closer to mastering not just your craft, but a richer, more meaningful way of life. As the author emphasizes, the winding nature of the staircase signifies the courage to embrace the unknown, leaning on the moral foundation and the intellectual curiosity that propel us forward.

Ultimately, self-development is an unending process. True masters are not those who are born with innate knowledge, but those who cultivate an insatiable desire to learn and grow, realizing that the more they know, the more they become aware of the vast realms yet to be explored. Let us embark on this intellectual journey, making learning a fulfilling habit and discovering the joy in every step, every moment.


The Winding Stairs

Read just this article in the series – (approx. 10 mins read, plus a video presentation 10 mins)

Once completed return back here to continue with the next topic