MN2.5 – J.S.M. Ward’s Fellowcraft Handbook

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the foundational role and significance of the Fellowcraft Degree within the Masonic system.
  • Identify and explain the importance of education as a symbolic journey for the soul, as emphasized in the Fellowcraft Degree.
  • Analyze how the lessons of the Entered Apprentice Degree are developed and expanded upon in the Fellowcraft Degree.
  • Interpret the mystical and Kabbalistic symbolism associated with the discovery of the Divine name in the middle chamber.

Introduction to Fellowcraft Handbook by J.S.M. Ward

audio link


In this lesson, we embark on an enlightening journey into the heart of Freemasonry, focusing on the profound teachings encapsulated within the Fellowcraft Degree, often referred to as the Degree of Life. This degree extends the foundational lessons of birth experienced in the Entered Apprentice Degree and offers a rich tapestry of esoteric and mystical wisdom.

It is imperative to understand that each Masonic degree is intricately designed to build upon the preceding one, weaving together moral, mystical, and spiritual teachings. For instance, while the first degree introduces the initiate to fundamental concepts, it also subtly prepares them for the deeper revelations awaiting in the subsequent degrees. Particularly, the Fellowcraft Degree emphasizes education—not merely in the academic sense, but as a symbolic journey of the soul toward enlightenment and union with the Creator.

The text under discussion highlights the critical, yet often underappreciated, significance of the Fellowcraft Degree. Many Masons may initially find this degree less captivating than the pivotal first and third degrees. However, a closer examination reveals that the Fellowcraft Degree serves as a keystone, unlocking the profound mysteries of the Master Mason Degree. The lesson of discovering the Divine name in the middle chamber, and its Kabbalistic implications, underscores the transformative power embedded in the Masonic rituals.

Thus, in our session, we will delve into the intricate symbolism and hidden meanings of the Fellowcraft Degree, appreciating its role in the Masonic journey of the soul. We aim to uncover how this degree not only bridges the foundational teachings of the Entered Apprentice but also sets the stage for the culminating insights of the Master Mason Degree. Through this exploration, we aspire to gain a deeper appreciation of the Craft’s pursuit of the ultimate Mystic Quest: the union with the Divine.

Let us open our minds and hearts to these ancient teachings and recognize the timeless relevance of the Masonic journey in our quest for knowledge and spiritual fulfillment.


The Fellowcraft’s Handbook

Read whole series – 6 articles ( approx. 10 – 15 mins each article = total around 60 – 90 mins total)

Suggest read 1 article each day

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