MN2.7.1 – The Lecture of the Second Degree of Freemasonry

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the progressive nature of Freemasonry and how each degree builds upon the previous one to deepen knowledge and spiritual growth.
  • Explore the intricate workings of human science and the natural world, as well as the Creator’s intelligence behind its complex design.
  • Develop critical thinking skills by actively questioning, analysing, and seeking answers to the mysteries of existence.
  • Recognize the collective spirit of emulation within Freemasonry and the importance of disseminating its valuable principles for personal and communal intellectual and spiritual fulfilment.

The Lecture of the Second Degree of Freemasonry

audio link


In this course, we embark on a journey through the intriguing world of the Second Degree of Freemasonry. This degree offers a comprehensive exploration of human science and the extraordinary works of the Creator. In Freemasonry, progression is key. Each degree builds upon the last, allowing for a deeper and more profound understanding of the mysteries within the discipline.

The Second Degree stands as a testament to the progressive nature of Masonry. It encourages Masons to delve deeply into knowledge and virtue, expanding beyond the foundations laid in the First Degree. This degree is a gateway to understanding the intricate complexities of the universe and the divine intelligence behind its creation.

Key to this exploration is the engagement of the mind and the exercising of judgment. Masons are pushed to question, analyze, and seek answers, thereby sharpening their intellectual faculties and cultivating critical thinking skills. This pursuit of knowledge is not just a solitary endeavour; it is a collective journey where members strive to excel and disseminate the principles of the institution.

Moreover, the Second Degree offers what can be described as a rational amusement, an intellectually and spiritually fulfilling pursuit that brings joy to its practitioners. It nurtures intellectual curiosity and provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment, enriching the Masonic journey.

In conclusion, this course on the Second Degree of Freemasonry will take us through a multifaceted exploration of human science, the wonders of creation, and the divine. It promises to foster mental engagement and a collective spirit of emulation, ultimately leading us towards wisdom and virtue.

Let us delve into this fascinating topic and continue our journey towards a higher degree of perfection.


The Lecture of the Second Degree of Freemasonry

Study the whole course – 6 lessons ( approx. 15 – 20 mins each lesson)
which includes the second degree tracing board

Suggest you take 1 lesson each day

Note: In App Purchase

Once completed return back here to continue with the next topic