MN3.2 – The Third Degree Charge

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Reflect deeply on the concepts of mortality and the inevitability of death.
  • Understand and appreciate the significance of living a life of integrity and faith.
  • Recognize the importance of using one’s time wisely and focusing on meaningful endeavours.
  • Internalize and apply the principles of the poem “Desiderata” in their daily lives.
  • Evaluate their own actions and beliefs to determine if they are fulfilling their duties to themselves, others, and humanity.

The Third Degree Charge

audio link


In this lesson, we consider the profound journey that life presents to each of us. Imagine standing on the brink of the inevitable—reflecting on what it truly means to be both a moral and educated person. This is the essence captured in the Third Degree Charge, an age-old admonition inviting us to delve deep within ourselves to uncover life’s hidden truths.

A poignant phrase within this text speaks of “the Light of a Master Mason as darkness visible,” suggesting that our human reason alone cannot pierce the veil of life’s ultimate mysteries without higher enlightenment. Here, we confront “the prospects of futurity,” an exploration of eternal life and the timeless question of what lies beyond.

Nelson Mandela once said, “Death is inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace.” This sentiment echoes the Third Degree Charge’s call to reflect on whether we truly live with integrity and faith. Our time on earth is fleeting, and the text warns us to use it wisely, focusing on what genuinely matters rather than the distractions that beguile us.

This lesson invites you to ask yourself: Are you fulfilling your duties—to yourself, your loved ones, and humanity? Are you living a life that, when it comes time to “rest in peace,” you can do so with the assurance that your journey was one of purpose and fulfilment?

To encapsulate this rich and profound lesson, the author presents the poem “Desiderata.” It is a timeless piece that reminds us to find peace amid life’s chaos, to treat others with kindness, and to nurture our own sense of purpose and happiness.

Today, allow the wisdom of these words to challenge and inspire you, pushing you to contemplate your own path and how you can lead a life that’s both respected and deeply fulfilling.


Charge After Second Degree

Read just this article in the series – (approx. 10 mins read, plus a 12 mins video presentation)

Once completed return back here to continue with the next topic