MN3.7.3 – The Meaning of Masonry Inspired by W. L. Wilmshurst

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the deeper spiritual meaning and purpose of Freemasonry, beyond its surface as a social organization or charitable institution.
  • Recognize the significance of the Craft Degrees and their role in imparting spiritual principles and guiding members toward higher consciousness.
  • Comprehend the importance of the Royal Arch Degree as the culmination of the Craft Degrees and its connection to advanced spiritual experiences.
  • Trace the historical lineage of Freemasonry and its connection to the Ancient Mysteries, understanding its place within a timeless tradition of spiritual seeking.
  • Appreciate the necessity of proper instruction and guidance within the Order to fully engage with its deeper teachings and facilitate personal and spiritual growth.

The Meaning of Masonry Inspired by W. L. Wilmshurst

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In this course, we are going to delve into the fascinating world of Freemasonry, exploring its deeper meaning and its potent potential for personal and spiritual growth. Freemasonry, under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England, has garnered substantial interest and membership in recent years. However, there is widespread concern that many members are missing its profound significance, leaving them disconnected from the true essence of this venerable institution.

At first glance, Freemasonry may appear to be merely a social organization or a charitable fraternity. However, beneath this exterior lies a cryptic and symbolic guide to the science of spiritual life. It offers a unique journey from the pursuit of external ideals towards the quest for deeper self-knowledge and higher consciousness.

One of the major obstacles facing Freemasonry today is the lack of proper instruction and guidance within the Order. Many members join without a full understanding of what Masonry entails, resulting in a superficial engagement with its practices. This course aims to illuminate the ‘noble science’ of Masonry, providing the necessary context and teachings to uncover its true meaning.

We will closely examine the Craft Degrees, the foundational elements of Masonry, learning that they are not merely ceremonial rites but sophisticated methods for imparting spiritual principles. Additionally, we will explore the Order of the Royal Arch, which represents the summit of Masonic experience and necessitates a deeper, mystical understanding.

Tracing Masonry’s historical lineage, we will see its connections to the Ancient Mysteries, placing it within a rich tradition of spiritual exploration and initiation practices that span millennia. This ancestry enriches its practices and aligns its members with an enduring legacy of wisdom.

Finally, we will discuss the future of Freemasonry amid its growing popularity. Understanding its deeper spiritual teachings holds the potential to transform the organization from a social club into a powerful force for personal and collective transformation.

By the end of our exploration, you will gain a deeper appreciation of Freemasonry’s capacity to guide its members toward profound self-discovery and enlightenment. This journey isn’t just about participating in rituals; it’s about engaging with the spiritual essence of Masonry and realizing one’s divine nature and role in the universe.


The Meaning of Masonry Inspired by W. L. Wilmshurst

Study the whole course – 14 lessons ( approx. 15 – 20 mins each lesson)

Suggest you take 1 lesson each day

Note: In App Purchase

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