MN3.7.4 – The Builders of Character Inspired by Joseph Fort Newton

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the historical origins of Masonry and its connection to ancient traditions and symbols.
  • Trace the architectural and philosophical evolution of Masonry from Solomon’s Temple to the modern Grand Lodge.
  • Interpret the allegorical meanings behind Masonic rituals and symbols, and their implications for personal conduct.
  • Appreciate the responsibility of current Masons to uphold and pass on Masonic values and principles to future generations.
  • Reflect on the role of Masonry in fostering a more just, empathetic, and morally enriched society.

The Builders of Character Inspired by Joseph Fort Newton

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In this course, we will guide you through an exploration of Masonry, illuminating its profound historical roots and enduring philosophical significance. Masonry isn’t merely a contemporary construct; it finds its origins deep within ancient traditions, myths, and symbols. The class will delve into how these ancient connections reveal a universal prophecy—a foretelling of a fraternity dedicated to unity, moral integrity, and the pursuit of enlightenment.

We will begin by tracing the architectural journey of Masonry, from the illustrious heritage of Solomon’s Temple to the establishment of the Grand Lodge of England. This timeline encompasses the transformation of stone masons’ guilds into a sophisticated fraternity enriched with philosophical and ethical codes. This evolution from operative to speculative masonry symbolizes a broader shift from literal building to the crafting of human character and society.

Moving beyond history, the lesson will also delve into the enigmatic traditions and rituals of Masonry, rich with allegorical meanings. Through the interpretations of Masonic symbols—the square, compasses, and plumb rule—we will illustrate the essential teachings about life’s purpose and the pursuit of virtue. These symbols not only guide Masons in their personal conduct but also emphasize their part in the grand cosmic scheme.

Finally, the lesson will underscore the duty that current Masons have towards future generations. It is an imperative to uphold and elevate the values of truth, integrity, and brotherly love, ensuring that these ideals continue to shine brightly in the world. Through the lens of Masonic philosophy, students will explore the notion of a transient human journey and the collective legacy we all contribute to, tasked with enriching the world and fostering a compassionate, enlightened society.


The Builders of Character Inspired by Joseph Fort Newton

Study the whole course – 13 lessons ( approx. 15 – 20 mins each lesson)

Suggest you take 1 lesson each day

Note: In App Purchase

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