MN3.7.5 – Foundations of Qabalah

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the historical origins and significance of the Qabalah, including the compilation of the Zohar by Rabbi Moses de Leon.
  • Recognize the language barriers and challenges associated with studying the Qabalah, specifically the use of Hebrew Chaldaic.
  • Identify the connections between ancient Qabalistic teachings and modern occultism.
  • Appreciate the spiritual and philosophical depths contained in the Qabalah’s texts.
  • Apply insights from the Qabalah to contemporary spiritual and mystical practices.

Foundations of Qabalah

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In this course, we are going to delve into one of the most profound and ancient traditions of mystical knowledge known to humankind—the Qabalah. This secret doctrine, passed down through the ages by revered Jewish teachers to their devoted disciples, holds an ocean of wisdom within its sacred texts.

In the Twelfth Century, Rabbi Moses de Leon, a scholar of remarkable erudition, compiled the principal textbook of the Qabalah, known as the Zohar. This seminal work is a treasure trove of occult knowledge, rich with mystic lore that remains largely untapped by the modern world. One of the major challenges in engaging with the Zohar is its language—Hebrew Chaldaic—a language mastered by only a few.

The core philosophies that we explore in modern occultism trace their roots back to the learned assemblies of ancient Israel, where the great Masters expounded their doctrines. If these arcane teachings were to become accessible to us in our language, we would uncover a wealth of occult truths that could greatly enrich our understanding and practice.

At a time when spiritual hunger is keenly felt, the teachings of the Qabalah offer remarkable strength and consolation. These books are not merely texts; they are fountains of living waters, offering us timeless wisdom and insights.

The focus of today’s lesson, and indeed much of our course, will be steeped in the ancient wisdom of the Rabbis, teachings that have formed the foundation of many contemporary spiritual and mystical practices. Prepare yourselves for a journey into a profound realm of knowledge that has withstood the test of millennia.

Course Contents

I. The Vessel in which Transmutation Takes Place
II. The Feminine Elements in Man and their Redeeming Power
III. Spiritual Companionship Between Man and Woman
IV. The Knowledge of God Obtainable Through Love Pure and Undefiled
V. The Mystery of Time and Space
VI. The Peace That Passeth Understanding
VII. Justice and Mercy
VIII. On the Threshold of the Sanctuary
IX. The Light Eternal According to the Qabalah
X. Regeneration According to the Qabalah
A Qabalistic Prayer


Foundations of Qabalah

Study the whole course – 11 lessons ( approx. 15 – 20 mins each lesson)

Suggest you take 1 lesson each day

Note: In App Purchase

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