MN3.8.1 – Article Series – Current Masonic Interest

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the historical significance and enduring influence of Freemasonry in society.
  • Identify and explain the core principles and values that guide Freemasonry, such as integrity, brotherly love, and intellectual growth.
  • Analyze the modern adaptations and innovations within Freemasonry, including the use of technology and AI.
  • Discuss the role of Freemasonry in addressing contemporary issues such as environmental sustainability and multiculturalism.
  • Appreciate the contributions of Freemasonry to philanthropy and societal development through various charitable endeavours.

Article Series – Current Masonic Interest

audio link


In this article series, will cover a range of intriguing topics on Current Masonic Interests, from “Keeping Passions and Prejudices within Due Bounds” to exploring the “Masonic Charities” and their profound philanthropic impact. We will delve into contemporary subjects like the role of “AI in Matching Mentors with New Freemasons” and the optimistic vision laid out in “Masonry in the Age of Leisure.”

This exploration won’t be confined to historical perspectives; we will also consider urgent modern themes such as “Freemasonry and Ecology” and the evolving “Digital Age” with tools like the Solomon Learning and Development Platform. Through these discussions, we will uncover how Freemasonry adapts and thrives in a rapidly changing world, maintaining its core principles while embracing innovation.

By the end of this module, students will gain a holistic understanding of how Freemasonry’s ideals and activities transcend cultural and temporal boundaries, shaping men of dignity and fostering unity amidst diversity. Whether examining the storied past of Prince Hall Freemasonry or the cutting-edge initiatives like the Interlogias Masonic App, this course promises an enriching exploration into the profound and evolving world of Freemasonry.

Let’s begin our journey into this fascinating realm where ancient traditions meet modern aspirations, and every lesson reveals another layer of this age-old fraternity’s enduring legacy.


Article series – Current Interest

Select from the list of articles – no need to read everything, only subjects that appeal.

New articles are published by The Square Magazine on a quarterly basis, written by various masonic authors from around the world.

Suggest read 1 article each day

Once you have read a few articles, return back here to continue with the next topic