MN3.8.3 – Article Series – Masonic History

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Identify the historical milestones and enduring traditions of significant Masonic institutions, and their cultural impacts.
  • Analyze the connections between Freemasonry and other mystical traditions, such as Druidism and the Knights Templar, including their shared symbols and rituals.
  • Evaluate the historical documents and constitutions that have shaped the philosophy and practice of modern
  • Freemasonry, including Anderson’s Constitutions and Samuel Prichard’s “Free Masonry Dissected”.

Article Series – Masonic History

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In the realms of history and mystique, few institutions have evoked as much intrigue and speculation as Freemasonry. In this article series we aim to unravel various facets of this esoteric fraternity, drawing from a rich tapestry of events and cultural divinations that span centuries. The lesson will journey through the influence of Freemasons in diverse geographical and social contexts—from the post-Civil War economic and educational initiatives in Brazil to the operational transmutations in the heart of Europe.

From the dusty scrolls of the Royal Society’s archives, we’ll see how Freemasons—and their enigmatic counterparts, the Knights Templar—interacted with and influenced scientific progress since 1660. We’ll explore Thomas Carr’s insights into the “Fourth Degree” and the sacrosanct Royal Arch, observing how operative practices evolved into speculative philosophies that permeated Masonic rites.

The narrative would be incomplete without reflecting on the persecution that Freemasonry has faced over its history, from the dark alleys of suppression to the proud resilience shown in places like Kokomo, Colorado, where a Lodge once stood at the highest elevation in the USA.

Students will also be captivated by the exploration of older Masonic documents such as Anderson’s Constitutions and Samuel Prichard’s controversial “Free Masonry Dissected”, which provide an essential glimpse into the fraternity’s dogma and its reformative pivots in the early 18th century.

The journey will uncover the fascinating connection between Freemasonry and other mystical practices like Druidism, delving into shared symbolism and ancient rituals that form the bedrock of these traditions. Thereby, we’ll link the advanced stone-carving techniques of medieval freestone masons with the symbolic practices that find echoes in modern Masonic teachings.

As the lecture progresses, we will dive into the culturally rich Vincha Culture, examining how ancient construction methods laid the foundation for Masonic philosophies that reverberate in present-day craft. This cultural odyssey also includes an exploration of organizations like the Huguenots and their significant influence on early modern Freemasonry, a reflection on American Fraternalism, and the intriguing narratives surrounding the Illuminati.

This article series promises to provide a holistic understanding of Freemasonry’s intricate and multifaceted history, striving to demystify a fraternity that has stood both as a beacon of enlightenment and a subject of unparalleled curiosity for centuries.


Article Series – Masonic History

Select from the list of articles – no need to read everything, only subjects that appeal.

New articles are published by The Square Magazine on a quarterly basis, written by various masonic authors from around the world.

Suggest read 1 article each day

Once you have read a few articles, return back here to continue with the next topic