MN4.5.0 – Officers of the Royal Arch Chapter

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson the learner will be able to:

  • Understand and explain the symbolic role of the Janitor in safeguarding sacred knowledge within the Royal Arch.
  • Articulate the journey and significance of the Sojourners in seeking and rediscovering lost wisdom.
  • Describe the responsibilities of Scribe Nehemiah in preserving sacred teachings and maintaining accurate records.
  • Interpret the role of Scribe Ezra in teaching and applying divine laws to one’s life.
  • Recognize the significance of the Principals in embodying spiritual leadership and the unity of divine aspects to achieve enlightenment.

Officers of the Royal Arch Chapter

audio link


In this lesson, will delve into the pivotal roles and symbolic significance of the officers of the Royal Arch. By exploring these positions, you will gain a profound understanding of the spiritual and esoteric principles that underpin this ancient tradition.

We will begin with the Janitor, who acts as the guardian of sacred knowledge. This role emphasizes the importance of maintaining spiritual purity and ensuring that only those deemed worthy can access the mysteries of the Royal Arch. The function of the Janitor underscores the sanctity and protection of esoteric wisdom.

Next, we will examine the Sojourners, the seekers of truth whose journey symbolizes the pursuit of enlightenment. Their continuous quest to rediscover lost wisdom highlights the essential concept of regaining divine knowledge through perseverance and self-discovery. The Sojourners’ path mirrors the spiritual journey each individual must undertake to achieve higher understanding.

Following the Sojourners, our focus will shift to Scribe Nehemiah. His primary responsibility is preserving the sacred teachings, which underscores the importance of maintaining accurate records and safeguarding spiritual knowledge for future generations. Scribe Nehemiah’s role reflects the value of diligently protecting and transmitting divine wisdom.

We will then turn our attention to Scribe Ezra, who plays a crucial role in interpreting and teaching divine laws. This position highlights the transformative power of understanding and applying sacred knowledge to one’s life, fostering a deep appreciation for the pursuit of wisdom.

Finally, we will explore the Principals, who represent the pinnacle of spiritual leadership within the Royal Arch. Their collective role epitomizes the unity of the three aspects of the divine, emphasizing the necessity of harmony and balance in the quest for spiritual enlightenment. The Principals embody the ultimate objective of the Royal Arch journey— the realization of divine wisdom.

Through our examination of these roles, you will gain an enriched perspective on the profound spiritual principles embedded within the Royal Arch tradition, appreciating the intricate balance and dedication required to achieve true enlightenment.


Officers of the Royal Arch Chapter

Read whole series – 5 articles (approx. 10 mins read, plus a short video presentation)

Suggest read 1 article each day

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