MN4.8.1 – The Four Veils in Royal Arch Masonry

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

  • Describe the historical and symbolic significance of the “Ceremony of Passing the Veils” in Royal Arch Masonry.
  • Identify and explain the symbolic meanings of the four veils: Blue, Purple, Scarlet, and White.
  • Understand the role and importance of the veils in the context of the candidate’s journey towards discovering the “lost word” or truth.
  • Discuss how the ceremony connects to the historical narrative of rebuilding Solomon’s Temple and its biblical allegories.
  • Recognize the regional variations in the practice of this ceremony, particularly its unique preservation in the Province of Bristol in England.

The Four Veils in Royal Arch Masonry

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In this lesson, we delve into one of the more complex and interesting aspects of Freemasonry: the “Ceremony of Passing the Veils” in Royal Arch Masonry. This ceremony is enriched with profound symbolism and historical significance, serving as both an allegory and a rite of passage for the candidates who undergo it.

At the forefront of this discussion are the four veils—Blue, Purple, Scarlet, and White. Each veil serves not only as a physical barrier within the ceremonial Tabernacle but also as a symbolic representation of the candidate’s journey towards ultimate truth and enlightenment. Historically, these veils reflect significant rites of ancient brethren, who upon returning to Jerusalem post-exile, faced numerous challenges akin to the obstacles represented by the veils.

We will explore how each veil, with its distinct colour, represents various virtues and lessons central to Freemasonry: Friendship, Union, Fervency, and Purity. The purpose of these veils is to challenge the candidate, to test their readiness to uncover the “lost word,” a metaphorical symbol of ultimate truth and wisdom within the Masonic tradition.

Furthermore, the integration of the Ceremony of Passing the Veils is deeply rooted in the broader narrative of rebuilding Solomon’s Temple, drawing from rich biblical allegories and ancient practices. It is fascinating to note that while this ritual is commonplace in Scotland, Ireland, and the United States, it remains largely unknown in England, with the exception of the Province of Bristol, where traditional practices have preserved it.

The modernization and adaptation of this ceremony over the centuries reveal a dynamic interplay between tradition and contemporary practice within Freemasonry. By traversing through these veils, candidates not only honour an ancient tradition but also engage in a process of personal and moral transformation.

In this lesson, you will gain insights into the symbolic importance of each veil, understand its historical origins, and appreciate the ceremonial significance of this unique Masonic tradition. Welcome to an exploration of one of Freemasonry’s most profound and evocative rituals.


The Four Veils in Royal Arch Masonry

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