Officers of the Lodge

Officers of the Lodge

In this 6 part tutorial series, we embark on a journey through the symbolic and functional duties of the Lodge Officers, each playing a crucial part in the intricate tapestry of Freemasonry.


The series includes the Lodge Officers:


The Tyler
Inner Guard
Junior Warden
Senior Warden
Worshipful Master


In understanding these roles, students will not only grasp the organizational structure of a Masonic Lodge but also gain insight into the deeper symbolic meanings that guide a Mason’s journey toward enlightenment.

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Officers of the Lodge – Tyler

Article by: Stephen J. Goulding

Stephen was initiated into Freemasonry in 1978 in Tylney Lodge No. 5856 (UGLE). He was Master in 1989 & 2004.

He was Master of the Lodge of Union 38 (UGLE) in 2018. He is also a PZ in the Holy Royal Arch and PM in the Mark Degree.

Stephen served 30 years in the Metropolitan Police Service (London, England) before going into education in 2000, where he became a college lecturer and a mentor for both the college and the University of Greenwich (London, England). Now retired, he teaches Tai Chi and Qigong in the community.

Facebook: Steve Goulding-Tai Chi West Sussex–Chi at Chi


Recent Articles: officers of the lodge

Officers of the Lodge - Tyler

Tyler: The significance as the protector of the lodge's secrets and harmony. Tasked with guarding the entrance, the Tyler symbolizes our spiritual and moral boundaries, ensuring only worthy candidates are allowed into the sacred space of Freemasonry's teachings and rituals.

Officers of the Lodge - Inner Guard

Inner Guard: Is the first line of defence against unworthy intruders, the Inner Guard represents our inner conscience and the personal responsibility we have to safeguard the integrity of our spiritual journey.

Officers of the Lodge - Deacons

Deacons: The messengers and intermediaries within the lodge. Representing the communication between the material and the spiritual realms, Deacons symbolize the importance of transmitting knowledge and wisdom as we strive for personal growth and enlightenment on our Masonic journey.

Officers of the Lodge - Junior Warden

Junior Warden: Ensuring the well-being of the brethren during the lodge's hours of refreshment. Representing the virtue of temperance, the Junior Warden reminds us to find balance in our lives and cultivate moral discipline in our pursuit of truth.

Officers of the Lodge - Senior Warden

Senior Warden: embodies the essence of strength and stability within the lodge. As the pillar of support for the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden symbolizes the fortitude required on our spiritual journey, inspiring us to persevere in the face of adversity

Officers of the Lodge - Worshipful Master

Worshipful Master: the highest-ranking officer in the lodge, is the embodiment of wisdom and authority. The Worshipful Master guides the brethren on their spiritual path, representing the divine light that illuminates the Masonic quest for knowledge and self-discovery.

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