From The Editor

One of the most common questions I am asked as a writer, is ‘why do I write?’

It’s a basic but fundamental question and one, to start with, I wasn’t sure how to answer. Most writers want to be published, so that was probably my first stock answer. However, once I had been published, I realised it was a good answer but not the answer.

What I did discover is that I love research more than I love writing.


So, I write to share – simple as that. Whether it’s a book, an article, or a blog post – if the information might make someone more curious about the subject (or the world in general), might make their life easier, or help them to understand something they have experienced, or are experiencing, then job done.

Even if it only touches or enriches one person, that’s worth the effort.

The Square is all about sharing Masonic knowledge. There is a wealth of information out there but some of it is good, some bad and some downright ugly.

Our aim is to help filter the ugly, understand the bad and keep sharing the good – to help make good men and women better.

We have some incredible writers who contribute articles for us, sharing their knowledge to help us learn, to make us curious about things we may not have encountered before, to make us think about what Freemasonry is and what it means to us, to help us engage in the rituals and the everyday connotations.

This month we have some really thought-provoking articles – Part 3 of ‘The Origins and Links to English Freemasonry more Mentors Notes (which is soon to be expanded upon in a big way – watch this space!)Millennial Masons‘ are the theme of our article on page 34  and we explore the question that was posed online – ‘What do Millennials want from Freemasonry’ – read on, the answers may surprise you.

Keep up to date with Masonic publications via our page from Lewis Masonic  and the The Square Book Store

For potential, or current, Lodge Treasurers out there, do read ‘Meet the Author‘, which features author and Lodge Secretary Paul Sparks talking about his book A Guide for the Masonic Treasurer.

This month sees the launch of ‘The Square News’ – a new service providing live Masonic news headlines from around the globe.

Live information is updated every three hours, from 250 global Masonic sources; we filter these headlines, and present them in a single page.

The page automatically loads with the latest 50 headlines, but it is possible to load an additional 150 making a total of 200. Easy to read and full of interesting and thought-provoking features, we love you to bookmark the News Page and get your daily intake of Masonic knowledge in a flash!

I hope you enjoy this month’s issue – as always, send your valued contributions, comments and feedback to


Until next time,

Philippa Lee


Article by: Philippa Lee. Editor

Philippa Lee (writes as Philippa Faulks) is the author of eight books, an editor and researcher.

Philippa was initiated into the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF) in 2014.

Her specialism is ancient Egypt, Freemasonry, comparative religions and social history. She has several books in progress on the subject of ancient and modern Egypt.  Selection of Books Online at Amazon

Books by Philippa

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