

Annual 2021 Issue articles

From The Editor

Warm welcome from the Editor

The Jewel of the Past Master

We take an in-depth look at the 47th Proposition of the 1st Book of Euclid as part of the jewel of the Past Master.

Great Architect of the Metaverse

Are you ready to meet in the metaverse ? what can you expect to see and do ?

Masonic Miscellanies

You probably know what a bookplate is for, but did you know that the earliest known book mark/label dates from the reign of Amenhotep III in Egypt around 1391−1353 BCE?!

Masonic Blogs

The purpose of this portal is to bring together Freemasons who practice the Modern Rite, members of lodges affiliated with the regular obediences of Brazil.

Value Proposition of Freemasonry

Discover how Masonic ritual can teach you to be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise!

The Joy of Masonic Book Collecting

Never judge a book by its cover - there may be another story within!

The Builders P2

2. The Working Tools - Explore an outstanding classic in Masonic literature - an exposition of the early history and symbolism of Freemasonry – from the foundations upwards.

The Christianising of British Freemasonries – Part 4

This four-part series considers the separation of British freemasonries from the Grand Orient of France (GOdF) and maintaining fraternity with the Prussian Grand Lodge of the Three Globes.

The Season of Renewal

This spectacle takes place at the same time every year. Literally, the sun 'dies' for three days, then is reborn on the Christmas morning.

Freemasonry and Esotericism

Universal Freemasonry, beyond its particular and different rites and rituals, is an esoteric school itself since there can be no Freemasonry without esotericism.

If Found on the Level

Applying the working tools to achieve our peculiar system of morality.

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1) Multiple ceremonies and 2) A horseman revealed!

The Pentacle and the Letter G

In the centre of the ceiling in every well-decorated Lodge room there should be a pentacle having within it the letter 'G'.

Old Tiler Talks

A Mason's Christmas - Do you believe in Christmas celebrations should be held by the lodge ? Should members be asked to contribute to one and engage in Christmas festivities ? What is the old tilers take on this ?

Hogarth – Finis!

For twelve months Hogarth and his Harlot have revealed all, and the Rake has exposed himself. In this, the last part of the series (for now), we get a final glimpse at a few more of Hogarth's Masonic 'reveals'.

Vows of Fidelity

The taking of a ‘Vow of Fidelity’. Oaths, Vows and Covenants

Royalty And The Craft

A brief history on the relationship between the British Monarchy and the craft

Meet The Artist

Constantinos Biliouris is a Greek Artist and brother from the Grand Lodge of Greece who creates a range of hand painted masonic aprons.

Tubal Cain – Masonic Aprons

Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons.

book intro

Historico-Critical Inquiry into the Origin of the Rosicrucians and the Free-Masons – Thomas De Quincey

Who were the Élus Coëns

Who were the mysterious 18th century Élus Coëns – a.k.a The Order of Knight-Masons Elect Priests of the Universe – and why did they influence so many other esoteric and para-Masonic Orders?

Masonic Miscellanies

Freemasonry & Bees - what's the buzz? The bee was among the Egyptians the symbol of an obedient people, because, says Horapollo, of all insects, the bee alone had a king.

Masonic Blogs masonic blog marks the tercentenary of the publication in London of The Constitutions of the Freemasons – the ‘1723 Constitutions’ – a book whose Enlightenment principles provide the philosophical foundations of Modern Freemasonry and the structure for many civil societies. Many Masonic histories have been concerned with ‘when’ and ‘what’. Here we examine the context and explain ‘why’.

The Cable Tow Unbound

The Cable Tow: Its Origins, Symbolism, & Significance for Freemasons - While there have been a number interpretations of the symbolism of the cable tow, the most common explanation that one tends to hear… is the bond or tie between the initiate and the brethren of the lodge.

The Royal Arch – ‘the fourth step in regular Freemasonry’

United Grand Lodge of England, has now designated the Royal Arch, the fourth step in regular Freemasonry, it therefore must be concluded that…publications…should now be revised, and based on attracting to the benefits of the four steps.

In The Blood

Masons, Magus', and Monks of St Giles - who were the Birrell family of Scottish Freemasonry?

The Builders P1

The Foundations Explore an outstanding classic in Masonic literature - an exposition of the early history and symbolism of Freemasonry – from the foundations upwards.

The Christianising of British Freemasonries – Part 3

Discover the battle for the 'soul' of Masonry. Part 3. French Perdition: ‘…for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness’?

Coming to Terms with the Great War Within Ourselves

Discover your 'shadow' - the black-and-white path to self-awareness - "A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own below his own level." - Carl Jung

Equality and Equity

What's the difference between equity and equality? Equality essentially means providing everyone with the same amount of resources regardless of whether everyone needs them. ... Equity is when resources are shared based on what each person needs in order to adequately level the playing field.

International Masonic Union CATENA

An international association of Grand Lodges and independent Lodges, with all true Masonic traditions, which adhere to the basic principles of the equal standing of men and women in Freemasonry.

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - Emblems on an Installed Master’s Apron.

The Entered Apprentices Handbook

Chapter 7 - The candidate receives the charge, the first significant point is the phrase "Ancient, no doubt it is, as having subsisted from time immemorial".

Old Tiler Talks

Advertising - We would do more good in the world if we advertised ourselves more… Why ?

Hogarth A Rake’s Progress

Hogarth discreetly embeds more masonic signs and symbols in A Rake’s Progress, never forgetting, everything he included in his scenes had meaning and is there for a reason.

Morality, Allegory, Symbols

A phrase that immediately comes to mind when describing Freemasonry – Morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. Let us have a look at what this phrase actually means.


What are the qualities of a convivial man and how does this dovetail perfectly in to Freemasonry ? - 16th March, 1875

book intro

The Genius of Freemasonry: “Has any brother anything to offer for the good of Masonry?” The following pages are the author’s answer to that question.

Meet the Author

This month Editor Philippa Lee meets Stewart Clelland the author / translator of The Green Book of The Élus Coëns

Elias Ashmole: Masonic Hero or Scheming Chancer?

The debate is on! Two eminent Masonic scholars go head to head: Yasha Beresiner proposes that Elias Ashmole was 'a Masonic hero', whereas Robert Lomas posits that Ashmole was a 'scheming chancer'. The debate has been filmed, the two proposals put to the jury. Read the article, watch the debate and make your decision - …

Masonic Miscellanies

In 1849, the body of a drowned man was found in the Bay of San Francisco - what they discovered was amazing.

Masonic Blogs

Each month we choose a Masonic Blog to highlight and share with our readers across the world - this month we feature 'The Hedge Mason' - but why a 'Hedge'?

Dr Buck – a militant mason

"To be a good man and true" is the first great lesson a man should learn, and over 40 years of being just that in example, Dr Buck won the right to lay down the precept.

Freemasonry and Women’s Rights – Part 4

The Freemason judge who ruled women were 'persons'

The 6th Duke of Atholl

In 1865, why did over 500 Scottish Freemasons climb a hill in Perthshire carrying working tools, corn, oil and wine? Author Kenneth Jack retraces their steps, and reveals all.

Banquets & Burlesque

Masonic dining and banquets, at least for the annual Investitures, were lavish, and Kent Lodge No. 15, the oldest Atholl lodge with continuous working from 1752, was no exception.

The Christianising of British Freemasonries – Part 2

How might the battle for the souls of Freemasonries be identified in a way that ensures thriving in the 21st Century? There is no guarantee of the immortality of the soul of Freemasonry! ‘We study the past in order to free ourselves from it.’ (Hariri)

The Masonic Art of Being a Gentleman

What defines the masonic art of being a gentleman; a chivalrous, courteous, or honourable man?

how to learn ritual – recap

Now we are back in the Lodge room once again, maybe it is time to review how we learn and deliver ritual and look at different ways of improving that process.

Freemasonry in China

Discover how the Grand Lodge of China escaped the power of communism.

Glittering Star Lodge No. 322

Discover the glittering history of a travelling military lodge and how their recent historic gathering of Irish and English Freemasonry ended up in the Tower of London!

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1)The Stiff Upper Lip - Keep Calm and Carry On – Masonic Style and 2)Ladies’ Freemasonry

The Entered Apprentices Handbook

Chapter 6. Having taken the first regular step the Candidate is given the Sign. This he is told refers to the Penalty of his Obligation, and no doubt it does, but it also seems to refer to something much more startling.

The All Seeing Eye

Uncover the mystery behind one of the oldest and most widespread symbols denoting God.

Hogarth Reveals More!

Hogarth discreetly embeds more masonic signs and symbols in his paintings , never forgetting, everything he included in his scenes had meaning and is there for a reason.

Officers of the Royal Arch – Principals

Who were the Principals and how do they link Spirituality ? Providing deeper insights into the esoteric and functional aspects of the Royal Arch, emphasizing the preservation, interpretation, and application of divine wisdom.

Dionysian Artificers

A review of the "Sketch for the History of the Dionysian Artificers," a fragment, by Hyppoli to Joseph Da Costa - This little work may be regarded as, so to speak, the Holy Grail of Masonry.

book intro

The Spirit of Masonry by William Hutchinson. An essential source for anyone interested in exploring the inner mysteries of the Masonic Fraternity.

Who was Tubal-cain?

Who was Tubal-cain, a biblical figure; a smith, and master of metallurgy?

The Digital Order of Knights Quarantine

Called “The Digital Order of Knights Quarantine”, it was advertised as “not-a-degree” because it was not an actual degree.

Masonic Miscellanies

The Level and the Square (A Poem), Extracted from The Builder Magazine, February 1917

Masonic Blogs

Each month we choose a Masonic Blog to highlight and share with our readers across the world. - Freemasonry in Italy of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm Arcana Arcanorum Scala of Naples (1777)

Sir Arthur Sullivan

We are all familiar with the comic operas of Gilbert and Sullivan, but did you know Sullivan was a Freemason, lets find out more….

Freemasonry and Women’s Rights – Part 3

Who embraced and influenced the women’s rights and suffragette movements in Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century ?

Bro Charles Mackay

Kenneth Jack looks at life of Bro Charles Mackay: Freemason, Journalist, Writer, Poet; and Author of ‘Tubal Cain’.

Millennial Masons – Response

In the August 2008 issue we featured an article on "Millennials and Freemasonry" - we received a brutally honest response from a reader

The Christianising of British Freemasonries – Part 1

This four-part series considers: 1. the separation of British Freemasonries from the Grand Orient of France (GOdF); and, 2. maintaining fraternity with the Prussian Grand Lodge of the Three Globes.

Decoding the Square and Compasses

The square and compasses is the most famous symbol with which Freemasonry is identified. However, this is not just a logo that helps the organisation to stand out from the rest.

Philosophy in the Life of the Freemason

Before the dark night of dogmatic thought, philosophy is the dawn of man, and the light for the Mason in his search for truth.

Tubal Cain Masonic Aprons

Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons.

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1) Understanding Freemasonry, 2) Where was the Foundry? and 3) Answer this and answer true

The Entered Apprentices Handbook

Chapter 5 - In all the ancient mysteries a candidate obligation was exacted to secure the secret teachings given in these mysteries which disclosed an inner meaning.

Hogarth’s Midnight Modern Conversation

Brother Hogarth is back with a look at another work of art with Masonic symbolism 'hidden in plain view' - what is occurring within the Midnight Modern Conversation?

Officers of the Royal Arch – Scribe Ezra

When we describe faith what do we mean? providing deeper insights into the esoteric and functional aspects of the Royal Arch, emphasizing the preservation, interpretation, and application of divine wisdom.

Indifferent Masons

Nothing really changes, an article Indifferent Masons, From Le Monde Maçonnique 1874. Translation published in The Freemason's Chronicle 20th February, 1875

book intro

Introduction to a classic masonic book by J. G. Findel, History of Freemasonry published 1866

The Great Journey

We examine at one of the most impressive moments of the initiatory ceremony, a certain rite known as Circumambulation, and ask what is its meaning and purpose ?

The Royal Arch

In the Royal Arch ceremony, the sojourners are buried with their tools in a vault. The sun, at its highest, provides enlightenment and the principal sojourner is returned to the former companions of his toil to continue producing, distributing and consuming, food, clothing and shelter. If this is informed by natural equality and mutual dependence, …

Masonic Miscellanies

What is the 'Mystic Tie'? Clue: it's not an item of neckwear!

Masonic Blogs

We actively seek out other interesting, thought-provoking magazines, websites, blogs, writers, books/products, and other creative endeavours - our mission is the sharing of Masonic knowledge to all Freemasons across the globe. Each month we highlight a different source of that knowledge and give our brethren a well-earned support!

The Much-Maligned Dr John Misaubin

The reputation of the Huguenot Freemason, has been buffeted by waves of criticism for the best part of three hundred years.

Freemasonry and Women’s Rights – Part 2

Second part, in the introductory series exploring the history of mixed, Co- and female Freemasonry, and how the fraternity and its members helped progress the emancipation and rights of women.

Sir Robert Moray

A Mother Lodge and a Connection Uncovered, a claim that Sir Robert Moray was the first speculative Freemason to be initiated on English soil.

Rethinking Masonry

Lets help answer a fundamental question, from a confused newly raised brother asking “What does it all mean and where do I go from here?”

The Cable-Tow Conjecture

The ‘cable-tow’ or ‘noose’ is used in Craft Masonry as part of the ritual, as are ropes and ties in other degrees - but what does it symbolise?

While it is yet day

Each moment is a gift that you can make the most of. We can all do more; many of us do not live our lives to the full. It is our allotted task to do something with the time we have been given, to make our lives into glorious examples. Learn from the past, create …

On Tolerance

Tolerance is understood as respect for the ideas, beliefs, and practices of others when they are different or contrary to one's own

Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFT

Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1) How to get your Knighthood, 2) The Cowan, 3) Keeping the Tankards topped up! and 4) Installation of a Lodge Master (1723)

The Entered Apprentices Handbook

Chapter 4, The candidate's admission into the lodge, is received on a sharp instrument. This signifies many things, one idea lying within the other.

The Five Points of Fellowship

Do you want to discover the originals of the five points of fellowship ?

Hogarth’s Harlot Reveals All – Part 6.3

Who are the famous men featured in the scene? Hogarth reveals all!

Officers of the Royal Arch – Scribe Nehemiah

Who is Scribe Nehemiah ? - Inner Peace. Officers of the Royal Arch This series delves into the essential roles within the Royal Arch

The Mason: A Discreet Man

In handling an intruder in the lodge, we endeavoured to show that a good Mason should be a gentleman, and a sincere man.

book intro

The Book of Constitutions for the Ancient Grand Lodge or Ahiman Rezon 

‘Song of Songs’ – the Shir HaShirim

Freemason, composer and artistic director Laurențiu Ganea announces the premiere of his long-awaited composition of the 'Song of Songs' - the Shir HaShirim (also known as the 'Song of Solomon').

Blackheath Degrees

Bro. Chris Hatton gives us his personal reflections on the history of the 'house at Blackheath and the Blackheath Orders', in this wonderful tribute to Andrew Stephenson, a remarkable man and Mason.

Masonic Miscellanies

Where did the origin of the use of rosettes on Masonic aprons come from ?

Masonic Blogs

The Southern California Research Lodge is dedicated to Masonic education and information.

Commentary on the Charge after Initiation

A more detailed explanation in order for us to understand the Charge after Initiation

Freemasonry and Women’s Rights – Part 1

A multi-part series exploring mixed, Co- and female Freemasonry, and how the fraternity and its members helped progress the emancipation and rights of women.

Olympic Interlude

Paul Gardner reflects on those days of yore and the “gentleman footballer” in Masonry.

Freemasonry & Fraternalism

What is it that connects a very old, well-known Crieff family, with a former President of the United States of America?

Masonic Art NFT

Masonic Art, Digital Art, NFTs - how does this all fit together?

The Mason’s Journey

The hero’s journey can also be seen in the Masonic system; a candidate first considers embarking on the Masonic journey but wonders whether it is really for him

Religion in the Light of a Free Thinker

Every Mason is a sincere seeker of light, of all light that allows him to advance in his search for truth.

Navy Lodge No. 2612

A short, but fascinating history of Navy Lodge No, 2612 - a lodge fit for princes and kings.

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1) Whence Came the Rosettes, 2) The Freemasons' Motto and 3) On the carpet - Hundred of Elloe Lodge No. 469

The Entered Apprentices Handbook

Chapter 3, the Candidate being prepared by the Tyler. What we now have is a system by which the parts which have to be bare are made bare.

The Two Pillars

The mystery behind the two great pillars that stood at the porchway entrance of King Solomon Temple.

Hogarth’s Harlot Reveals All – Part 6.2

A naughty clergyman, the virgin, and 'Father Time' - what can Hogarth reveal now?!

Officers of the Royal Arch – Sojourners

Who are the Sojourners , Having self-respect you never compare yourself to others.

Templar Masonry

Templar Masonry - a historical aspect of the Religious and Military Order of the Temple published in The Freemason's Chronicle 13th February, 1875

book intro

A short introduction to The Men's House, a collection of masonic papers and addresses by Joseph Fort Newton

The Lie Rob Morris Told

Was William Morgan really murdered by Masons in 1826? And what was the lie Masonic author Rob Morris told? Find out more in the intriguing story of 'The Morgan Affair'.

On the Level

So, what is the Level? And why do we use it in Freemasonry?

Masonic Miscellanies

The Lodge of Sorrow - Extracted General Ahiman Rezon, by Daniel Sickles, [1868]

Masonic Blogs

Blog of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library

Outlandish Freemasonry

Martin Bogardus explores the Masonic characters and symbolism within the hugely successful 'Outlander' books and TV series.

The Mary Tin

What is the Masonic connection with the 1914 Christmas Mary Tin

Bro. Andrew Petrie Cattanach

The life of Bro. Cattanach, a theosophist occultist and Scottish Freemason

Learning how to Learn

Making an advancement in Masonic Knowledge can become far easier when you 'learn how to learn'.

The Holy Land and the Holy Sites – Part 4

Fourth instalment of the four-part series, considers ‘masonic’ aspiration and activity regarding the Holy Land and The Holy Sites

Those Talents Wherewith God Has Blessed You

Incorporated in the charge to the initiate, has a lasting impression of what Freemasonry is all about.

A Mason’s Thought About Death

Life is shadow, death is light. We live in darkness and we die in the light - read on to learn more about 'a Mason's thought about death'.

Widows Sons (UK)

Who are the Widows Sons, and what do they do, and how can you join ?

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1) New Master, 2) Veiled in Allegory and illustrated by Symbols and 3) Emasculation!

The Entered Apprentices Handbook

Chapter 2, The Tyler or Outer Guard. The first thing that greets the eyes of the aspirant to our Order standing in front of the door with a drawn sword in his hand.

Three Five Seven

Three numbers, what are their masonic significance? Pythagoras has something to say about them

Hogarth’s Harlot Reveals All – Part 6

With our protagonist (the Harlot) lying in her casket, what next for the Widow's Son?

Officers of the Royal Arch – Janitor

The Janitor, is a crucial officer in the Royal Arch. Symbolically, the Janitor represents the guardian of sacred knowledge, ensuring only worthy individuals gain access. This function emphasizes the importance of maintaining spiritual purity and safeguarding the mysteries of the Royal Arch


Secrecy perhaps the strongest objection urged by the enemies of the Masonic Order against its existence published in The Freemason's Chronicle 20th March 1875.

book intro

The Builders - This is a general survey of Masonic origins, history and philosophy. It was at one time given to every new Mason in Iowa.

Meet The Author

Editor Philippa Lee interviews well-known Masonic author Dr Robert Lomas

Lived Respected – Died Regretted

Lived Respected - Died Regretted: a tribute to HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Masonic Miscellanies

Memento Mori - a Masonic reminder to make your mark on the world.

Masonic Blogs

Practical Freemasonry - offering 'Accessible Philosophy for Working Class Schlubs'!

The Mysterious Walled Garden of Edzell Castle

Explore the mysterious walled garden steeped in Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and Hermeticism.

The Holy Land and the Holy Sites – Part 3

Third instalment of the four-part series, considers ‘masonic’ aspiration and activity regarding the Holy Land and The Holy Sites

Who are the Order of DeMolay?

Who are the Order of DeMolay? Founded in 1919 and named after the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, this International Order has helped young boys become great men.

The Pigpen Cipher

What is the mysterious pigpen or Masonic cipher that has been used for centuries to hide secrets and rituals?

The Great Architect of the Universe

When a candidate for 'Regular' Freemasonry is interviewed, prior to being admitted, he is always asked if he believes in a Supreme Being. Answering the affirmative to this question is essential, if one is to gain access to our Order. Why, then, is it so important for a Freemason to believe in a Supreme Being …

Egyptomania in Australia

A look at the fascination with Egyptomania and Masonic Temples in Australia

Mason and President

A Mason betrayed - the tragic story of President Salvador Allende.

UGLE 2020 Annual Report

For the first time in its 300 year history UGLE has published an Annual Review

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - Masonic Symbolism

The Entered Apprentices Handbook

Chapter 1, The opening of the First Degree. An interpretation of the first degree, the meaning of the preparation, symbolism, ritual and signs 

Three Grand Pillars

What are the Three Grand Pillars ?, wisdom, strength, and beauty - then later we hear of the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns.

Hogarth’s Harlot Reveals All – Part 5

In last month’s instalment, our Harlot is found in prison doing forced labour. In this instalment the Harlot dies!

Officers of the Lodge – Worshipful Master

Who is the Worshipful Master being placed in the east? your spirit, the quality of your purpose in life.

Freemasonry In The United States during And After The Revolution.

We take a look at Freemasonry in the United States during and after the Revolution first published in The Freemason's Chronicle - February 6, 1875.

book intro

The Discrepancies of Freemasonry - Written almost 150 years ago, this book contains wisdom still relevant today.

The Candidate

Written in 1930, much of the advice is still relevant today - although some may provoke further thought or debate!

Masonic Miscellanies

A closer look at the Level and the Plumb-rule

Masonic Blogs

We look at PragaMasonica, an online presentation of the Masonic heritage of the Czech lands, including Prague, Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.

Queensland’s Masonic Memorial Centre

In honour of ANZAC Day on 25 April - we look at one of the two specifically dedicated Masonic Memorials in the world, and how Freemasons in Australia and New Zealand continue to honour those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Kipling’s The Palace

When I was a King and a Mason, a Master Proven and skilled, I cleared me ground for a Palace, such as a King should build.

Dr George Dickson: Scottish Freemason and Occultist

Bro. Kenneth explores the life of Dr George Dickson a Scottish Freemason and Occultist.

Ashlars – Rough, Smooth – Story of a Stone

How we can apply the rough and smooth Ashlars with-in a masonic context.

Two ladies who became Grand Masters

Who were the two ladies, mother and daughter who become Grand Masters of Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons

Hogarth’s Harlot Reveals All – Part 4

This month we find her in prison doing forced labour. So why, you may ask, is she dressed so finely? This sudden change of costume confused many commentators over the centuries.

The Story of the Royal Arch – The Mark Degree

Extracted from William Harvey's 'The Story of the Royal Arch' - Part 1 describes the Mark Degree, including the Working Tools.

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1) The well qualified Master Elect, 2) An Irish Obligation, 3) A chair going spare?, 4) Hirsute Masons and 5) Nature’s Bounty

The Holy Land and The Holy Sites – Part 2

The four-part series will consider ‘masonic’ aspiration and activity regarding the Holy Land and The Holy Sites

The 47th problem of Euclid

This emblem contains more real food for thought than any other in the lecture of the Sublime Degree.

That Takes the Biscuit – The Patriot Garibaldi

Giuseppe Garibaldi  Italian general and politician Freemason and the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy.

Officers of the Lodge – Senior Warden

Who is the Senior Warden ? – Your very essence

The Archaeology of the Craft

We take a look at the archaeological connection with the Craft, first published in The Freemason's Chronicle - January 30, 1875

book intro

The Principles of Masonic Law - Do you know the Constitutional Laws, Usages, and Landmarks of Freemasonry?

Meet 10 Masonic Authors

This month we feature ten of our recommended Masonic authors ranging from the early 1900s to the modern day, and we offer our 'Square choice' of their books. You can never have too many books, especially when it comes to e-books - so delve in and find old favourites and new.

Why don’t Freemasons read?

The title of this article will seem somewhat of an oxymoron, because at this precise moment you, most likely a Freemason, is reading this.

Masonic Miscellanies

Why do Freemasons wear white gloves? - The Symbolism of the Gloves

Masonic Blogs

We take a closer look at the Square & Compass masonic blog that was founded in 2020 Ontario, Canada

Copiale Cipher

What is the connection between the Copiale Cipher and the great enlightened society of oculists ?

The Chamber of Reflection

A detailed look at the Chamber of Reflection: A Revitalized and Misunderstood Masonic Practice.

The Colour Purple – Its Derivation and Masonic Significance

What is the colour purple with regards to Freemasonry? The colour is certainly significant within the Royal Arch series of degrees being emblematical of Union.

Who are CLIPSAS ?

An introduction to CLIPSAS who are they and what do they do ?

Moses Jacob Ezekiel

Who was Moses Jacob Ezekiel, a Freemason, Civil War Soldier, Renowned Sculptor ?

Hogarth’s Harlot Reveals All – Part 3

Brother Hogarth gives us another bawdy glimpse into the salacious world of the 'Harlot's Progress', and the tantalising Masonic symbolism hidden within! Can you spot the clues?

The Mason and his Consciousness of Time

Nobody can buy life, life is spent and the expense of life is time. As time goes by, life is spent.

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1) A ‘Masonic’ Dodo!, 2) Public ‘Open Nights’ and 3) Fraternity or Corporation?

The Holy Land and The Holy Sites – Part 1

The four-part series will consider ‘masonic’ aspiration and activity regarding the Holy Land and The Holy Sites

The Hiramic Legend

The Hiramic Legend is the glory of Freemasonry; the search for that which was lost is the glory of life.

Passing the Chair

W.Bro. Paul Gardner looks at a mid 19th century artefact and ponders ‘Chairing’

Officers of the Lodge – Junior Warden

Who is the Junior Warden ? – Spiritual Consciousness

The Mason: A Sincere Man

What it means to a Freemason to be a sincere man. Extract: first published in The Freemason's Chronicle - January 23, 1875

book intro

Mystic Masonry, published in 1911, this fascinating book is equally relevant for the 21st century Mason with an interest in the more mystical side of Freemasonry.

Meet The Author

We talk with ‘Brother Hogarth’ who is currently writing a series of articles featuring the Masonic art of William Hogarth.

27 Jan 1945

There are two things of importance happening this day - 27 January

Is Freemasonry Esoteric?

Is Freemasonry esoteric? Yes, no, maybe!

Masonic Miscellanies

Will the real James Anderson please stand up?

Masonic Blogs

An informative and densely-packed source of Masonic knowledge, we explore the world of El Blog del Masón - one of the best current Spanish Masonic blogs.

Kipling’s ‘Working Tools’

Every man must be his own law in his own work, but it is a poor-spirited artist in any craft who does not know how the other man’s work should be done or could be improved.

The Noachite Legend and the Craft

What is it to be a true Noachidae, and what is the Noachite Legend and the Craft ?

William Harvey

A Masonic author and Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire in Scotland.

Maçonnerie d’Adoption

A look at Adoptive Lodges that were established in France for the initiation of females; a short Extract from the Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry.

Faith, Hope & Charity – The Three Graces

Exploring the origin and symbolism of Faith, Hope and Charity

Hogarth’s Harlot Reveals All – Part 2

The second instalment in the series looking at the hidden Masonic symbolism within Brother Hogarth's works - what can you find?

Tartuffe in Masonry

Human life is itself trial and error, however, there are errors and horrors, and that is the remarkable difference between the actions of the profane and the actions of the Mason.

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - Tercentenary of United Grand Lodge of England - 1721-2021 season 2

Bridging the Mainstream and the Fringe

Edward MacBean bridging mainstream Freemasonry with the fringe esoteric branches of Freemasonry

The Five Senses

How are the Fellowcraft's five steps connected the five senses of human nature

Freemasonry and Egyptomania

We explore fascinating and somewhat contentious historical interpretations that Freemasonry originated in ancient Egypt.

Officers of the Lodge – Deacons

Who are the Deacons ? - The most important aspect of communication is not only to listen but to hear. Hear both what is and what isn’t being said.

Citizenship of the World

What it means to a Freemason to be a citizen of the world ? First published in The Freemason's Chronicle - January 16, 1875

Book Intro – Hidden Life of Freemasonry

Introduction to The Hidden Life in Freemasonry (1926) by Charles Webster Leadbeater

Meet The Author

If you would like your work to be featured in The Square, please take a look at our submissions guidelines and send any ideas or contributions to the Editor for our consideration.

Product Life Cycle of Freemasonry

An inconvenient truth about the product life cycle of Freemasonry

Masonic Miscellanies

The most important and significant of the legendary symbols of Freemasonry is, undoubtedly, that which relates to the fate of Hiram Abif.

Masonic Blogs

Masoneria Antigua - A Spanish blog dedicated to ancient Masonry, its origins, rituals and meaning, as well as Freemasonry in general, hosted by Masonic author and translator Alberto Moreno Moreno.

Science & Citizenship – P4

Towards a 21st Century Masonic Mindset: Part 4 ‘Freemasonries’ and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Kipling’s Masonic Writings

Rudyard Kipling's deep connection with Freemasonry is evident in many of his poems and his stories

Masonic Meditation

Learn how to practise Masonic meditation in a busy world with all its care and employments

The Plumb Rule

The infallible Plumb Rule, which, like Jacob’s Ladder, connects Heaven and Earth, is the criterion of rectitude and Truth. It teaches us to walk justly and uprightly …

The 5-Minute Ritualist

Struggling to learn your ritual? Become a 5-Minute Ritualist with the aid of a book of the same name.

Lansdowne MS c1560

A very foolish legendary account of the origins of the Order of Freemasonry


Brotherhood! In that one word what sympathetic associations arise. First published in The Freemason's Chronicle - January 9, 1875

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1) Our charitable visitors, 2) Speculation?, 3) The Recovery of that which was Lost and 4) Showing the flag

Jacob’s Ladder

In Masonic rituals, Jacob’s ladder is understood as a stairway, a passage from this world to the Heavens.

Principal Tenets

How to explain the principle tents of the craft to a newly made brother.

Hogarth’s Harlot Reveals All – Part 1

A new series looking at the hidden Masonic symbolism within Brother Hogarth's works - what can you find?

Officers of the Lodge – Inner Guard

Who is the Inner Guard being placed inside the door of the lodge, symbolically our main survival instincts

Masonic Art of Ari Roussimoff

The Art, Masonic Aprons, and Magic of Ari Roussimoff - interviewed by Elena Llamas from Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum and Library

Book Intro

Introduction to a classic masonic book; The Symbolism of Freemasonry: Illustrating and Explaining Its Science and Philosophy, its Legends, Myths and Symbols.

Meet The Artist

A slight deviation from our usual 'Meet the Author' theme but equally as interesting, we have a 'Portrait of an Artist' - Travis Simpkins - the man capturing the likeness of Freemasons worldwide!

Lewis Masonic Book Store

Reviews and new publications from Lewis Masonic

SQ Masonic Book Store

Selected Masonic Books available at Amazon

SQ Leadership Book Store

Selected Leadership Books available at Amazon

Calvin Klein

Clarks Shoes

Tommy Hilfiger

SQ Style Man

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

SQ Style Feminine

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

Hugo Boss

Tom Ford

SQ Styles

Masonic apparel made to order

Van Heusen

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