Ashlar Chippings

Take care for whom you vouch!

Don was a workshop technician in the Brisbane University Chemistry Department and soon after his Initiation the then Professor of Chemistry congratulated him and told him to be sure to let him know when the Second was due.

Don duly informed him and the Professor asked him if he could attend the Lodge for the ceremony. In due course he drove his boss to the Masonic Temple but as they were entering he suddenly said, ‘Oh dear! I have just realized that never having sat with you in Lodge I cannot vouch for you.’

The Professor chuckled and said he did not anticipate any problems. Don put on his plain white apron and the Professor put on a wondrous apron trimmed with gold and a very fancy collar.
Fact is, he was the current Most Worshipful Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland.

Perilous Times

EARLY AUSTRALIAN FREEMASONRY – The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser of 22 May 1803 states that a Masonic Meeting was secretly held at the house of Sergeant Whittle.

News of it coming to the magistrate the house was surrounded by the police, and those assembled therein taken up. After serious report they were discharged as having no ‘wilful intention to disturb the public peace.’

Freemasonry was therefore practised, although irregularly, in Sydney as early as 1803, or thirteen years earlier than mentioned in Bro RF Gould’s History.

– South Australian Freemason. (AQC, vol. 3, (1890), p.108.)

On asking for a Certificate of Good Standing

– or a lesson in diplomatic language!

Minutes: A letter (was read) from Bro James Collins, late a member of the Lodge, requesting a Certificate of his Masonic Character while with us. Bro Jacques (Master) then rose and expiated on the Base Conduct of the petitioning Brother, the business was then discussed and it was agreed that a letter should be written to Mr James Collins advising him against his application.

Freemasons’ Hall, Chichester
March 4th, 1823

Sir & Brother

Your letter addressed to the Worshipful Master was laid before the Lodge, and the same taken into due consideration by the Brethren present, the result of which was that the Secretary should be directed to state to you that the Brethren are fearful that the Character which as Men and Masons they will be bound to transmit to the Lodge you propose joining will be such as rather to prejudice than otherwise serve the purpose you require it for: in consequence of which I am to request that you will give me your answer (post paid) stating if you wish the same to be forwarded to the Master of the Royal Cinque Port Lodge or withhold altogether.

I am, Sir, your Obedient
Mr Jn Collins
J Humphreys, Secty

[Minutes and correspondence on 27 February 1823, of Lodge of Harmony & St Rocques Hill]

The Wrong Frequency!

Purbeck Lodge No. 4355 – October 1958

The evening meal, costing 2s/6d, was delivered in hay boxes brought by van from Boscombe until the catering was undertaken by a café on the opposite side of Ashley Road.

Trestle tables without tablecloths were the norm except on Installation night when the tables were decorated with the mess silver on loan from Bovington Army Camp.

The original pipe organ in the Lodge room, a gift from the Lodge of Amity, had to be pumped by the newest members of the Lodge. It was replaced by a ‘WEYT’ organ, a gift of a Meridian Lodge Founder.

Unfortunately, this organ operated at the same frequency as the local police transmitter and police messages were frequently received during the course of the Lodge ceremonies.

In 1994, Purbeck Lodge installed the current Wurlitzer organ.

[From the Archives of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset]

Article by: Hugh O'Neill

Hugh O'Neill

Past Master of Craft lodges under the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Member (Master 2022-2023) of Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076,  the world’s premier Masonic research lodge.

Masonic historian and orator on Masonic topics.



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Ashlar Chippings

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Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: -
1) Take care for whom you vouch!
2) Perilous Time
3) On asking for a Certificate of Good Standing and
3) The Wrong Frequency! 

Ashlar Chippings

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Ashlar Chippings

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Ashlar Chippings

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3) On the carpet - Hundred of Elloe Lodge No. 469 

Ashlar Chippings

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1) New Master,
2) Veiled in Allegory and illustrated by Symbols and
3) Emasculation! 

Ashlar Chippings

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Masonic Symbolism 

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Ashlar Chippings

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3) Provincial AGMs During COVID-19 Suspension 

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar -
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2) Ornaments to the Society 

masonic knowledge

to be a better citizen of the world

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