

August 2022 Issue articles

From The Editor

Warm welcome from the Editor

How Holy is Holy Ground?

“Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5

Masonic Ties

Masonic Miscellanies – Making a ‘Mason at Sight’

What does it mean to make a 'Mason at sight', and who was made one?

Masonic Blogs – Ahab’s Adventures

My name is Geeg Wiles. I am a Master Mason and the caretaker of Captain Ahab, a three-foot-tall, forty-pound, bright yellow fisherman / wannabe pirate, who has been also accepted by our brother masons to help with LOIs and other educational needs of our fraternity.

Masonic Pens

Freemasonry in Pop Culture P1 – The Art of Satire

Freemasonry has been the subject of satire and lampooning since its inception in the 1700s courtesy of cartoonists such as Hogarth and Gillray, but the 20th century gave it far more prominence in what we now consider 'popular culture'. Artwork, comics, books, operas and vaudeville, and then the mainstream media of TV and film, have …

8 Schools of Freemasonry – Philosophy P4

The Philosophy of Masonry – Metaphysics and Symbolism. Following on from Part 3 of The Eight Schools of Freemasonry, we move on to Albert Pike, whose Masonic spiritual philosophy was concerned with Symbolism.

Bridging the Gap: P.2 – An Introduction to Esoteric Science

There is often a gap between action and understanding. Is there is a chance that Freemasonry may benefit from a better understanding of meaning of the rituals rather than being performed in blind faith under the belief they are “purely symbolic” or “they just work”?

Masonic Ring

George Blackie – The History of the Knights Templar P.3

Third part in the serialisation of George Blackie's 'History of the Knights Templar and the Sublime Teachings of the Order' transcribed by Kenneth Jack.

The Builders – 10 Universal Masonry

Chapter 10. Universal Masonry - Henceforth, the Masons of England were no longer a society of handicraftsmen, but an association of men of all orders and every vocation, as also of almost every creed, who met together on the broad basis of humanity, and recognized no standard of human worth other than morality, kindliness, and …

Bricks Masons

A Song of Freemasonry

From 'Songs of religion and life', 1876 by John Stuart Blackie (1809-1895)

A Journey in Stone – Extracts of Wisdom p.7

More extracts of wisdom from Craig Weightman's book 'A Journey in Stone' – this month, we explore the pathway to the perfect ashlar that requires continual improvement

Masonic Watches

Roberts’ Constitutions of Freemasonry 1722

Published a year before Anderson's Constitutions, The Old Constitutions Belonging to the Ancient and Honourable SOCIETY OF Free and Accepted MASONS. Originally printed in London England; Sold by J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXII.(1722)

The Book of Law in Brazilian Freemasonry

When we apply to join Freemasonry, we are informed that, although it is not a religion, it requests as necessary that the candidate believe in a creative principle, which later, after the candidate's initiation, will be called the Great Architect of the Universe. - by Fernando Rodrigues de Souza

Masonic Swords

Who are CGLEM

Confederation of the Grand Lodges of Europe and the Mediterranean - Universal Freemasonry and its intellectual property are less and less taken into account in the current times of constant movement and unclear future prospects.

The Master Mason’s Handbook P2

Chapter 2 - The Opening; a brief explanation of the teaching of the third degree as contained in the symbols by J.S.M Ward

Masonic Regalia

Masonic Podcasts

Our pick of the best current and active Masonic Podcasts

Craftsmen Online Podcast

A weekly masonic podcast connecting Freemasons around the world with leadership development, Masonic education, and Masonic history. - New episodes each Monday - Subscribe to keep updated.

Old Tiler Talks – Failure

The new mason laments that practically speaking, Masonry is a failure, and it depresses me … Masonry cannot be a failure, because men fail as Masons. The Old Tilers talk by Carl Claudy

Masonic Jewels

Aleister Crowley – a very irregular Freemason

Aleister Crowley, although made a Freemason in France, held a desire to be recognised as a 'regular' Freemason within the jurisdiction of UGLE – a goal that was never achieved.

Masonic KT Regalia

Masonry And Citizenship

An article investigating the relationship between masonry and citizenship. Are the principles of Freemasonry aligned with the freemason's claim to be a better citizen of the world? The Freemason's Chronicle - 19 June 1875

Digital Freemasonry NFT Marketplace

Freemasonry Membership NFT

Freemasonry-membership is a mysterious NFT project that would be built across the Metaverse. Taking the idea from virtual lodges, the project is a huge mystery in terms of assets and value for the user. Starting without any social handle, the project is here to make a change across humankind.

Masonic Art NFT

Directory of current Masonic Art NFT projects on Opensea

Tubal Cain Masonic Aprons

Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons

Book Intro – Freemasonry; when, where, how?

Introduction to Freemasonry; when, where, how? By George Thornburgh

Masonic Cases

Book Review – Some Masonic Musings

The papers in this volume cover fifty years of research and thought. They were often also produced to fill out programmes for Lodges of Research and there is a degree of repetition and overlap. by Aubrey N. Newman

Lewis Masonic Books

Reviews and new publications from Lewis Masonic


How to join QCCC - the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago.

Book Review – The Full Spectrum of Freemasonry

This book reflects the author’s research interests in Victorian Freemasonry, and the Orders beyond the Craft and provides a better understanding of how the other Masonic Orders have grown and developed in parallel with Craft Masonry by Richard Gan

Book Review – Famous Freemasons who Changed the World

There are 110 biographical entries in the book. Famous people where also Freemasons who changed the world by Kent Henderson

SQ Masonic Book Store

Selected Masonic Books available at Amazon

SQ Leadership Books

Selected Books on Leadership and Personal Development available at Amazon

Tommy Hilfiger


Van Heusen

SQ Style – Man

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

SQ Style – Feminine

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

Calvin Klein

Hugo Boss

SQ Styles

Masonic Apparel made to order

Tom Ford

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