

December 2022 Issue articles

From The Editor

Warm welcome to the December Issue from the Editor

A Christmas Carol

One of the best loved stories for the festive season is ‘A Christmas Carol’. A traditional ghost story for retelling around the fire on a cold Christmas Eve, it is a timeless classic beloved by those from all walks of life. Philippa explores the masonic allegory connections…

Masonic Ring

Masonic Miscellanies – The Mosaic Pavement

- why mosaic, why pavement? We are all familiar with the black and white chequered flooring of the Masonic lodge but where did it originate? There are a few theories…

Masonic Blogs

Directory of Masonic Blogs featured in the Square Magazine

Masonic Pens

8 Schools of Freemasonry – Romantic P8

We end this series with the 'Romantic School'. Not a flowery tribute but one that explores the various 'romantic' theories as to the origins of Freemasonry, such as the Biblical aspects, the stone masons guilds, the Knights Templar.

Huguenots and Early Modern Freemasonry

The Huguenots influence in the development of early modern Freemasonry at the time of the formation of the Grand Lodge in London around 1717 / 1723.

Masonic Watches

Druidism and Freemasonry

William Winwood Reade was a Scottish philosopher, historian, anthropologist, and explorer born in Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland. The following article by Kenneth Jack, provides some hints that William may have been a Freemason, but there is presently no definitive evidence he was.

A Lodge Raised From Ashes

In 1881, Freemasonry rose from the ashes of a fire in the mining town of Kokomo, Summit County, Colorado. Corinthian Lodge No. 42, along with Kokomo, no longer exists but it holds the record of having been – at an elevation of 10,618 feet – the highest Masonic Lodge in the USA.

Bricks Masons

Mason’s Relish

John and Timothy Coleman Blanchflower were initiated in Walpole Lodge, No. 1500, Norwich England on 2 December 1875; noted as a purveyor of ‘sauce’ to masons!

High Meridian

The eagerly anticipated sequel to the best-selling esoteric Masonic book of 2021 - "Whence Come You". High Meridian (The 'Light' Series Book 2) by Ben Zion - This book takes the reader to that next stage in a seeker's journey, and using Masonic imagery and symbolism as a necessary backdrop against which a deeper spiritual understanding …

Masonic Swords

The Ritual of the Operative Free Masons – P2

If anyone doubts the fact that the formation of Speculative Free Masonry was due to and based upon Operative Free Masonry, it is quite easy to convince him of his error if he will only study the first Book of Constitutions. By Thomas Carr, M.D., P. M. Honorary Member of the Guild of Operative Free …

Manockjee Cursetjee

Alex Lishanin explores Mumbai and discovers the story of Lodge Rising Star of Western India and Manockjee Cursetjee – the first Indian to enter the Masonic Brotherhood of India.

Masonic Cases

The Egyptian Rite of Memphis

Over time many Masonic Rites have developed, each Rite having its own history, legends, and rituals. Some of them are still practiced today, and others have ceased to exist. The best known and at the same time the most practiced Masonic Rites are the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and the York Rite. Among other …

The Master Mason’s Handbook P6

Chapter 6 - The Badge - On his re-entering the Lodge, the candidate is presented and in due course invested with the badge of a Master Mason by the S.W. The Badge itself, however, is full of symbolic meaning….

Masonic Regalia

Masonic Podcasts

Our pick of the best Masonic Podcasts

Craftsmen Online

A weekly masonic podcast connecting Freemasons around the world with leadership development, Masonic education, and Masonic history. - New episodes each Monday - Subscribe to keep updated.

Old Tiler Talks – So Many Rascals 

"Why are there so many rascals in the Fraternity, and why don't we turn them out?" a new member voiced to the old tiler for his opinion. These short articles are still very relevant, 100 years on, and hopefully provide some insight to new members today.

Masonic Jewels

Carl Jung’s “Living Symbols”

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view of Jung's work by Professor Stephen Schafer

Metaverse freemasonry takes one step closer to become a reality as the Portuguese based company, SkyUnicorn, show case their Solomon Temple in the metaverse platform, a place for all Freemasons to meet in brotherly love and harmony, which at all times characterises freemasonry. Lets take a short tour…..

Masonic Ties

Charges of a Freemason

An interpretation of the "Charges of a Freemason", written Bro. Cornelius Moore and published in 1875, that introduce certain opinions that for some readers, will not sit well in contemporary times. - The Freemason's Chronicle, Sept. 11, 1875

Exhibition showcasing Masonic, Odd Fellows art

Art and education in the Hoyt’s newest exhibition, "Mystery & Benevolence: Masonic and Odd Fellows Art", explores the art and accessories of two fraternal organizations steeped in symbols and coded systems, from special handles, gestures and passwords to ritualized performances that probably come from the Middle Ages.

Masonic Art NFT

We introduce a new selection of masonic inspired NFT art collections available on Opensea produced by artists from around the globe.

Digital Freemasonry NFT Marketplace

This NFT serves as a confirmation that the owner is one of a total of 333 founders of Digital Freemasonry who contributes to the development of certain digital tools

Tubal Cain Masonic Aprons

Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons


Helps those seeking the hidden mysteries of nature and science gain the occult knowledge and wisdom required to master their inner self and outer life.

Book Intro – Jachin and Boaz (1762)

Thirty two years after Samuel Prichard's Masonry Dissected (1730) a second detailed exposure was published Jachin and Boaz (1762) attributed to the same author, and met with equal distain by Freemasons of the time. However, these exposures offer the masonic historian an invaluable view in to how freemasonry was conducted during its early formation

Masonic KT Regalia

1st Digital Freemasonry Summit 2023

The Square Magazine is very excited to take part in the First Digital Freemasonry Summit which will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on March 18-19, 2023.

Book review – More Light: Collected Masonic Writings 2017-2021

This book delivers a collection of the author’s articles from RiteNow, the magazine of the Scottish Rite Valley of Pittsburgh, along with a history of Freemasonry – both worldwide, and in the Pittsburgh area specifically.

Lewis Masonic Books

Reviews and new publications from Lewis Masonic

Book Review – Freemasons: 555 Illustrations

Written by one of the highest Masonic dignitaries, this unique book reveals the secrets of Freemasonry in inspiring images and quotes.


How to join QCCC - the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago.

Book Review – Chapter & Verse: 100 years of Royal Arch Talks

The publication of Chapter & Verse is in celebration of the centenary of Authors’ Chapter No. 3456; it takes the form of an anthology of some seventy-five talks presented in the Chapter. The spread of authors ensures divers interpretations of the Royal Arch narrative and dramatis personae.

SQ Masonic Book Store

Selected Masonic Books available at Amazon

SQ Leadership Books

Selected Books on Leadership and Personal Development available at Amazon

SQ Style – Man

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

SQ Style – Feminine

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

SQ Styles

Masonic Apparel made to order, unique designs by Tubal Cain Masonic NFT Artist

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