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Belzoni's Masonic Manuscript is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history and practices of Freemasonry, as well as for those interested in the broader cultural and social history of the early 19th century. The manuscript provides a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the organization, and offers insights into its beliefs, values, …
Apprentice to Master, “a Servant Leader”.
Freemasonry is a learning platform used to improve a lifestyle which is morally, educationally and spiritually sound. To guide a person through life in order to be the best they can be. A Master, or ‘Servant Leader,’ develops those people in their care. They are someone who can guide others using the principles of Freemasonry …
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What you see praiseworthy in others
"What you see praiseworthy in others, carefully imitate, and what in them may appear defective, you will in yourself amend". This passage of Masonic ritual (Taylors Working, Address to the Wardens) is advice on how to improve oneself by observing others.
The Île des Templiers, or “Island of the Templars” lies within a leafy park in Paris. The execution site of Jacques du Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights’ Templar bears a plaque with the epitaph ‘A cet endroit / Jacques de Molay / Dernier grand maître / de l'ordre du temple / a …
Freemasonry: Coming out of the Cloisters
This paper examines the fundamental tensions on the lines of religion, gender and political ideology that exist in some jurisdictions of Freemasonry. It is on the first of these, religion, on which he makes an initial and exploratory focus. - by Gerald Reilly
Not strictly a 'Masonic' blog but one of great value to Esoteric Freemasons – written by Mark Stavish, the author of 'The Path of Freemasonry: The Craft as a Spiritual Practice'.
Alchemy, like Freemasonry, has two aspects, material and spiritual; the lower aspect being looked upon by initiates as symbolic of the higher. “Gold” is used as a symbol of perfection and the earlier traces of Alchemy are philosophical. A Lecture read before the Albert Edward Rose Croix Chapter No. 87 in 1949. by Ill. Bro. …
Salik Tariq shares his reasons for becoming a Freemason – a journey of self-improvement, finding a community, and personal growth.
Philippa Lee talks Masonry and metaphysics with Ben Zion, the author of two must-have books on esoteric Freemasonry.
The Hiramic Legend and the Myth of Osiris
Hiram Abiff, the chief architect of Solomon’s Temple, is a figure of great importance to Craft Freemasonry, as its legend serves as the foundation of the Third Degree or that of a Master Mason. He is the central figure of an allegory that has the role of teaching the Initiate valuable alchemical lessons. Although his …
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Practical Life Lessons taught through Freemasonry – P4
A series of articles offering a guide to practical life lessons taught through Freemasonry for young adults setting out in life after full time education - Lesson 4: How to build and maintain healthy relationships
There is no symbol more significant in its meaning, more versatile in its application, or more pervasive throughout the entire Freemasonry system than the triangle. Therefore, an examination of it cannot fail to be interesting to a Masonic student. Extract from Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey
A weekly masonic podcast connecting Freemasons around the world with leadership development, Masonic education, and Masonic history. - New episodes each Monday - Subscribe to keep updated.
"A man in a passion rides a mad horse" suggests that when a person is controlled by their emotions, they can act recklessly and make poor decisions, similar to how a rider on a mad horse is out of control and can lead to danger.
How the Core Values of Freemasonry; Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth Can Be Applied to Improve Productivity For Entrepreneurs
Carl Jung’s Living Symbols P.4
Quantifying one-world government of “conscience” with archetypal representations. Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer
The secrets of Masonry are the exclusive property of the Craft, and can never be communicated to one who is a mere labourer and not an accepted Mason. Hence, no labourer, that is, one who has not been regularly initiated in a legal Lodge. Article first published in The Freemason's Chronicle, 27 November 1875
We introduce a new selection of masonic inspired NFT art collections available on Opensea produced by artists from around the globe.
Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons
The Royal Family and Freemasonry - by Dr John W. Hawkins Delivery of the Prestonian Lecture 2022, which has been specially commissioned by Grand Lodge, being held in Quatuor Coronati Lodge on Tuesday 11th May at 4pm in Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London.
Book Intro – History of Freemasonry
The History of Freemasonry is a comprehensive overview of the origins, development, and evolution of Freemasonry from its ancient roots to the modern era. The book explores the fascinating history of one of the oldest and most mysterious organisations in the world, which has been the subject of much speculation and curiosity over the centuries. …
Meet The Author – Albert Mackey
As a contributor to the literature and science of Freemasonry, Doctor Mackey's labours have been more extensive than those of any other in America or in Europe.
Book Review – The Path of Freemasonry
In this practical guide, that details the spiritual lessons and rituals of Freemasonry as a step-by-step path of spiritual development and self-improvement for both Masons and non-Masons, men and women, alike. By Mark Stavish
Are you curious about the origins of the fraternal organization known as Freemasonry? Do you want to learn more about its impact on modern society? Look no further than our comprehensive guide, "How to join Freemasonry; 12 things you should know first"
How to join QCCC - the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago.
“The book brings to life the perilous night Elizabeth was caught spying on Freemasons in the middle of an initiation ritual, forcing them to make a life-or-death decision,” - By Kathleen Aldworth Foster